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What Clients Say

Some of the appreciated thoughts of our valued customers.

“We owe our daughter’s success to Jennifer Donlon. She has been my daughter’s SLP for 3 years. Jennifer has been hands down the reason why my daughter is on her way to overcoming Apraxia and the reason she began school last year confident in her ability to speak to others and be understood. Having worked with 3 previous SLP’s I have no issue discerning what sets Jennifer apart from the rest. She spent time getting to know my daughter. Not just “treat” her. She learned when to push when to pull back, how to motivate her she understands the frustration my daughter has with being asked to do something difficult for her, and she is absolutely amazing at working with the psychological aspects that come into play when working with a child who has a complicated speech disorder. Our personal journey is a marathon. Not a race. Jennifer has been with my daughter every step of the way and celebrates her victories as much as we do. Every person, teacher, and therapist in our daughter’s life is absolutely amazed by her progress in speech. When others truly notice massive improvements then you know you’ve hit the jackpot. Jennifer is my daughter’s “jackpot” and her key to gaining normal speech and language and living her best life.”

Jennifer G.

“It is impossible to quantify what Jennifer Donlon has done for my family over the past year.  We see her three times a week for speech, language, feeding, and oral motor therapies for my 5 year old son.  He has childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), developmental coordination disorder (DCD), sensory processing disorder (SPD) and low muscle tone and all these conditions overlap each other and get in the way of speech therapy.  Jenn understands it all and navigates it beautifully.  She helps us find solutions for specific difficulties we are facing at home and she even teaches my 3-year old daughter how to help my son.   They love going to see Jenn and at home they practice and play therapy often.  Since seeing Jenn my son has improved consistently and dramatically.  She has the skills of a professional and the heart of a mother and she is able to enter into a messy and sacred space and help where we felt weary and clueless.  She has been a true blessing to my family over the past year. ”

Mary M.